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Apply Revive anytime the grass is green and growing. First applications can begin when the turf is at least 50% out of winter dormancy.

It should last about six weeks under most conditions.

For most homeowners, it comes down to ease of use. Revive liquid is perfect for spot treating smaller areas or spots along walks and driveways. If you have a broadcast spreader, the granular treats more square footage quicker than the liquid. There is an added benefit from the granular formulation called DPW (Dehydrated Poultry Waste), which gives you a nice slow release of non-burning organic fertilizer not found in the liquid Revive.

Hose End Sprayers: fill the sprayer with undiluted Revive concentrate. Turn the dial to 8 oz. setting.

Spreader Settings: Revive Granules can be applied with any broadcast or drop spreader.  Settings are approximate due to walking speed and overlap.  Set dial to 1/3 open and adjust up or down for adequate coverage (i.e., A spreader with a 15 as the highest setting should be set to a 5).

There are hundreds of dealers in many states. To find a store nearest you click here for a complete listing.

Since Revive is organic-based, it is safe for use around people and pets. If your pet tends to eat just about anything, we suggest storing the product in a safe place.

The wetting agents in Revive allow the water to penetrate hard compacted soils. Once the soil is wet, it will loosen and allow for better water and air movement. Roots don’t grow in dry soil. Once you wet the soil deeper, roots will follow that moisture helping to break up the soil as they grow. The organic matter in Revive will help feed the microbial activity in the soil, which also breaks up the compaction.

Yes, even sandy soils can produce isolated compacted areas causing drought stress conditions. Revive’s wetting agents allow water to penetrate these areas getting your turf back to the green color you desire. Revive’s organic matter also aids in the water holding capacity of your soil. We recommend Revive Granules on sandy sites as the extra organic matter in our bags is exactly what your turf needs.

Revive has been tested on every grass type, both cool and warm season, and has shown positive effects in color, thickness, and drought hardiness.

No. If you have some trouble areas, you can safely apply extra without the worry of burning. Just make sure you water after application to get results starting quicker.

We recommend applying Revive after mowing. Time of day or temperature will make no difference in the results. Water for about 10-15 minutes after the application.

Revive is ideal for any new seeding or sodding projects. Revive was tested and the results were fantastic.

A good rule of thumb is every time you fertilize, but that can vary from homeowner to homeowner. Because the wetting agents will begin to lose their effectiveness after about six weeks, we suggest a treatment once every six weeks. If you have severe drought conditions, severe slopes or persistent dry, compacted spots, you can spot treat every 3-4 weeks.

The wetting agents in Revive allow the water to penetrate hard compacted soils. Once the soil is wet, it will loosen and allow for better water and air movement. Roots don’t grow in dry soil. Once you wet the soil deeper, roots will follow that moisture helping to break up the soil as they grow. The organic matter in Revive will help feed the microbial activity in the soil, which also breaks up the compaction.

Any time of day is good for an application. A Revive treatment doesn’t require the temperature to be in a certain range, but it does need to be watered in after so if you have restrictions where you live, time your application when the sprinklers can be set to water it in.


where to buy
how it works